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Sunday, May 22, 2005
Eddy Matzger Workshop Attended Eddy Matzger Workshop in New York City.
1st Day: It started on Friday evening at NY host's apartment. Eddy gave us some lecture followed by each participant’s self-introduction as well as points that s/he wants to improve.
2nd Day: Met at Bandshell of Central Park at 08:00. Dryland exercise (Eddy draw 'templates' on the ground and we used them) and yoga, then at around 10:30 we all put skates on. Used templates and repeated drills. Eddy took some video clips. After 2 hrs of lunch break, afternoon session started at 14:00 at 'The Oval' of Central Park. Did drills for 3 hours or so, then, each skater's skating is videotaped - each one skated one oval while Eddy skated together for video taking. First from front view (Eddy backward), then from side view. After 2 hours of supper break, gathered at NYC host's apartment again to review video. Eddy made each one for comment and suggestion for improvement. The meeting was over at about 22:00. 3rd Day: Met at Bandshell at 08:00. Some dryland exercise (shorter than the day before), then yoga for stretch. Started some foot practice for double push. Started sprinkling a bit but not much. AM session ended at 12:00. PM session started at 14:00 at The Oval. Carving and double push technique. It started raining and became pretty hard, but it did not interrupt drills. Did some paceline technique. The final part of the workshop practice was supposed to be time trial, but because of hard rain, no time was taken, but we skated paceline, a 4 people pack. At the last, Eddy gave each one Report Card - Eddy's comment and points for improvement. Then 'award'. It was truly a fantastic experience. I have found out some improvement on my skating technique. But that is not the only thing I earned through these 3 days. The entire experience of the workshop made me so happy and accelerates my enthusiasm to skating. Eddy sure is a great skater, but also very attractive person who has a gifted instructor technique and lovely personality. Definitely a weekend to remember. :: DATA :: Skates: (5/21): Pilot V Pro, (5/22): R4 + Mogema M55 80 Route: (AM) Bandshell, (PM) The Oval Mileage: 20.0 km. Weather: Temp. 60F (+16 C). Winds 7mph, Events Clear (5/21), Overcast then Rain (5/22), Humidity 50-100%.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Powerslide R4 + Mogema M55-80 Powerslide R4 boots have arrived. So, I couple it to the Mogema Roadracer frmaes accomodate with Labeda 80mm83a wheels and ILQ-9 bearings.
Powerslide boots are very comfortable as for speed boots. I can skate for more than 30 minutes from the very first time.
Skating performance is great. The combination of these boots and frames plus Team Labeda wheels and ILQ-9 is succesfull. I can do out edge easily. There is no bulky cuff to interfere my ankles. Actual weight of these boots plus these frames is not the lightest, but once I put my feet on, they can fly no problems. Skated Central Park loop without any problem rather with joy. Complete report. :: DATA :: Skates: (Evening): Vitesse 3, (Night): R4 + Mogema M55 80 Route: (Evening) West Side Path to/frm Battery Park, (Night) Central Park Loop Mileage: 31.0 km. Weather: Temp. 55F (+13 C). Winds 7mph, Events Clear, Humidity 45%.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Ueno City Run Joined 'Ueno CR' and skated with a group of Tokyo skaters.
CR is an abbreviation of City Run and means a group street skating within Tokyo.
Ueno CR is held every sunday morning. Meet in the Ueno Park at 09:00, skate east Tokyo for about 10km including a coffee break at a Starbucks in 'Tameike Sanno'.
Tokyo's traffice rule allows skaters to be only on sidewalks. So, skating in the city is very relaxed pace. We can't skate fast obviously, Even so, it was fun to skate with nice people. It is always great to skate in the different city. Photos :: DATA :: Skates: Vitesse 3 Route: Ueno to Aoyama via Tameike Sanno & R246 Mileage: 12.0 km. Weather: Temp. 75F (+24 C). Winds Calm, Events Clear, Humidity 50%.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Beach Skate (Coney Island) The first 'Beach Skate' of the season. The destination was Brighton Beach/ Coney Island. Met at Union Square at 12:00 - Manhattan Bridge - Flatbush - Prospect Park - Ocean Parkway - Brighton Beach - Coney Island (14:30 to 16:00) - Shore Drive - Fifth Avenue (Bklyn) - Manhattan Bridge - Manhattan 18:00.
Had a lunch at 'Nathan's' and did not eat 50 hotdogs but french fires and lemonade, most of skaters except me and one more rode on Cyclones, had an ice cream cone, and came back.
The weather was perfect, not too cold, not too warm, the wind was calm, humidity was not high. What a great Sunday we had! Photos :: DATA :: Skates: TR Mag 3 Route: to/from Coney Island (Manhattan Bridge - Ocean Parkway - Shore Drive - Manhattan Bridge) Mileage: 60.0 km. Weather: Temp. 75F (+24 C). Winds Calm, Events Clear, Humidity 45%.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
TNS: Skated to Queens - Bklyn, came back over Williamsburg Bridge New Route today!! 72nd. - CPW to 110th St. - Park Ave. to 59th St. - 59th Street Bridge (Queensboro Bridge) - Queens - Brooklyn - Williamsburg Bridge - South Street Sea Port - Battery Park - West Side Path to Midtown
Williamsburg Bridge is known as being disliked by skaters because of numerous 'connectors' which may casue falling. But if you know about them in advance, it is sort of fun.
You just have to repat tiny jumps.
Came back to midtown around 23:00. Another great skate night! Photos :: DATA :: Skates: Pilot V Pro Route: 59th St. Bridge - Queens - Brroklyn - Williamsburg Bridge - West Side Path Mileage: 27.0 km. Weather: Temp. 50F (+10 C). Winds Calm, Events Clear, Humidity 55%.
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Sal Twin Metal Frame broke again // WNS opening When I was skating last night, somethintg got stuck between wheels and a right frame of TR Mag3 resulted no rolling. Something was gone during checking so I continued skating. Today I found out what it was. A piece of metal dropped from the frame.
It is exactly same situation happend to me in June 2004 - after about 2000 miles skating or so, a metal piece that connects twin metal frames got broken.
---------- Joined ``Wednesday Night Skate``, the first official skate for the season! Met 20:00 at Union Square South and skated Manhattan. A group was relatively large because of the summer-like weather and calm wind condition. It was sort of sociable skating and was enjoyable as well. photos more photos :: DATA :: Skates: Sal TR Mag3 (for evening) Pilot V Pro (for Night) Route: West Side Path, 8th Avenue, 7th Avenue. Mileage: 30.0 km. Weather: Temp. 63F (+17 C). Winds Calm, Events Clear, Humidity 60%.
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Tuesday Night Skate to NJ Went Fort Lee, NJ to have an ice cream cone :) ![]() Met at 72nd at 20:00, left at 20:15 via Central Park Loop- St. Nick. - Amsterdam - GWB - Fort Lee - GWB - Amsterdam - Riverside Dr. - West End Dr. - then returned to 72nd St. at 23:10. Temparature was within a pleasant level, calm wind and less humidity, sleeveless and shorts weather. It was another great skating night. :: DATA :: Skates: TR Mag3 Route: to NJ via GWB Mileage: 34.0 km. Weather: Temp. 62F (+16 C). Winds 5 mph, Events Clear, Humidity 29%.
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Mogema Frames + Powerslide Boots Mount Mogema M55-80 frames (which came with Rollerblade Lightning 08) to Powerslide R2 boots.
They become pretty good skates, but Powerslide R2 boots are little too big so maybe not the best choice for races.
:: DATA :: Skates: Mogema M-55 80 + Powerslide R2 Route: N/A Mileage: 0.0 km. Weather: -.
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